Going Viral, Clubhouse, Naval, and Happiness

It has been an eventful few weeks in my world so I figured I should document it, get back in touch and share some of my biggest wins and learnings.

I went viral last weekend. These mere five words reached over 500,000 people from around the world, had 4,037 likes at the time of writing, and hundreds of people tuning into the conversation: Building a startup is hard.

The funny thing is I have posted the same thing before, but at a different time on a different day. Lesson: Post the same thing again sometimes - you never know what’s going to be a hit. If you want more tips like this check out my Twitter course gum.co/onfleet

As you may have seen, I have been really active on Clubhouse. My dreams of being a radio host are coming true. Just kidding, but in all seriousness, I’m gonna keep doing it until it stops working. What’s great is that for every hour I spend on there, I am getting about 10 leads. Sharing some highlights:

  • I “summoned” Naval into a Clubhouse room, and got to learn from him for a couple of hours. Watch the full replay here! A story to tell my grandkids. For those who don’t know, Naval was the founder of AngelList and is now considered one of the most forward thinkers of our time. Check out the Navalmanack.

  • I got featured in MarketWatch about the Startup Hiring Room I co-host every week. So cool!

  • Another awesome time was this unscheduled 3-hour discussion on Happiness with a bunch of strangers, now friends. The beauty of Clubhouse you don’t see in the headlines.

  • Also, I just had sabas.club created. Do you like it? Would you add anything else? Have you tweeted some love that I should include? Let me know!

Next Tuesday, I am hosting Inside a Techstars Accelerator. A half-day event where you can get a sneak peek into our programs. Come hang out, learn about fundraising, mastering your pitch, customer development, and meet the new Techstars CEO, Maelle Gavet.


  • I just recorded five new episodes for my podcast. Go have a listen now for tips on Twitter and Clubhouse.

  • I’ve started a text community, for pitching, marketing and fundraising insights directly to your mobile. Msg hello to 720-807-2101.

  • I just added a new list that has over 670 more investors on it. Check it out here.

  • I’m still hiring! See this tweet for info and apply if there’s interest.


I just finished reading ‘The 5AM Club’ by Robin Sharma. He is now 2 for 2, given how much I also loved ‘The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari’. I highly recommend both.



Jonathan Fentzke and David Cohen for giving me their time and mentorship, Stryker and Robby for being absolute rockstars, Jessica, Shibin and Dan for making the Pipeline team what it is, Safir, JP and Alison for being awesome collaborators.

And to all my friends and followers who open this email, follow me on Twitter, or listen to me on Clubhouse - thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me be part of your day.