Naval – AMA Excerpt (Business)

My top takeaways about Innovation, Career and Education - from Naval Ravikant’s AMA (Ask Me Anything) on October 31st 2020 on Twitter. All teaching are paraphrased for ease of reading.

  1. Startup ideas are literally everywhere. Ideas are not the limiting factor.

  2. The best way to start making a stream of passive income is to build something the Internet wants.

  3. If I was 18 in 2020 I would build something whatever it takes.

  4. If you’re a non-technical person, learn some tech basics, it’s not hard and even a little bit goes a long way.

  5. Hard sciences, math, computers, and engineering are never going out of style.

  6. Physics is the academic discipline everyone should learn.The social sciences are heavily propagandized, non-falsifiable, and don’t replicate.

  7. What works for innovators in the U.S that other places clearly lack is a high degree of political and social freedom.

  8. The greatest invention of our lifetime is the smartphone, and that's why Apple is the most valuable company in the world.

  9. To be the best in your respective field, give a damn.

  10. Don’t overthink about knowing when you’ve found the thing you want to focus all your life and energy on. As Steve Jobs said, you can only connect dots looking backwards.

  11. If you’re thinking about moving on from a job, then it’s probably time.

  12. Find work that doesn’t feel like a sacrifice and then you won’t be thinking about retirement.