Being Smart, Baby Names & Turning the Tables

1. (farnam street) is an awesome blog that I recommend you all sign up to. A weekly email that sharpens your mind and keeps you learning. It’s full of unique and timeless ideas for the conduct of life and business. The article that stood out most recently is the one called “Being Smart is Not Enough”. It talks about how you need not only Geniuses (who innovate), but also Butterflies (who spread that innovation around). Super helpful as you build your teams, especially because you’re not building a company right now. You’re building a team.

2. In case you’re running out of marketing ideas, please know that Disney is not. Case in point. Yeah, Disney is SEOing baby names as lead-gen for Disney+. Fucking genius.

3. I was on a panel at a tech conference last week with the CEO of Unbabel who has raised over $91M for this startup. He spoke about this concept of ‘turning the tables’ that I really liked that I want to highlight for you all.

As a founder you’re likely actively asking for money, or in other words telling people to buy risk: to part with their money in the hope that it turns into more one day. Whilst this is true, once you realize you can de-risk it for them, what’s happening is that you’re giving the opportunity to the put their money into your rocket ship.

So, the sooner you can turn the tables and go from what Vasco calls a deprived founder in need of money, to a great founder with an opportunity that isn’t to be missed, the better.

What I’m trying to get at is you need to create FOMO (Fear of missing out). Go from, “I need you” to “you need me”.. in every way possible. What I think may help is reading this blog by Alex Iskold: 11 Questions Founders Need to Ask Investors During the First Meeting. This will help ensure you aren’t the only one being examined.