From tweet to App Store in 30 days

30 days ago I tweeted this out…

Something about the tweet reaching so many people, some who loved, and some who hated it (yup, go read the comments), made me want to build it. So I did (for the first time ever) without any user validation at all.

Remember, do as I say, not what I do. So founders, please use when coming up with new ideas and validate them - this will save you a lot of heartache.

Introducing Clique

Check it out now!

Also, if you create a Board for Startup, VC or Fundraising – feel free to add me. I’d love to be an Advisor!

So, how did I, a marketer by trade, not a software engineer, get this done?

No-code. Specifically, Adalo.

Feel free to reach out if you want more information on how I chose Adalo, what the process was like etc. If theres enough interest I may even do a workshop or follow-up blog.

Why did I do this?

  1. Challenge myself and learn how to “no-code” – although this wouldn’t have been possible without the help of Adalo Expert Erik at Flywheel.

  2. Show others it can be done.

    Your MVP doesn’t need to take a year, six months, or even 60 days. Just get a scrappy version out with as less features as possible to validate or invalidate your hypothesis as quick as possible.