Landing page not converting?

When someone visits your website, they give it about 5 seconds before they decide to read on or scroll down.

For this reason, it's recommended that you don't spend time on editing your website proportionally. Yes, thats right.

80% of your time should be spent editing the 1st fold (everything you can see when the page loads, without scrolling down), and then 20% on the rest of the site - no matter how many pages it is. 

If you don't answer the initial questions for the visitor, then the likelihood of them continuing on is low. Every websites goals are different, but here are some obvious ones that you want to answer:

  1. What exactly is being offered?

  2. Is this for me?

  3. Can I trust them?

  4. Can I afford it?

  5. When is it?

  6. What do I need to do next?

The general template would be something line the following:

Headline, subheading, call to action button (apply now, sign up, learn more), and some logos of earned press mentions, or existing client logos for credibility.

Check it out. Go back to your website now, and see what score you get out of 6.